We hope poetry week inspired you and your kids to create your own poems! Not a poet? No problem! We will show you how to make a poem collage from words cut out of magazines or newspapers to create that inspire you and connects to your story. You’ll need to gather any old magazines and newspapers, colored pens or pencils, scissors, glue, and a cardboard or a thick paper.

First, talk with your kids about the importance of positive self-talk and how it can positively impact our feelings of growth and happiness (click here to use our previous post about positive self-talk to help guide your conversation). Then, provide the materials and begin creating your poems by cutting out positive words you would like to live by from magazines or newspapers and glue them onto the cardboard or thick paper (color pencils and pens are for decorating and adding color to your boards!). Once you have completed your poems, place them somewhere where you can read it every morning and/or evening to reflect on the positive words and images.

Source: https://positivepsychology.com/art-therapy/

Posted by:okptacultivate

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